How do you Protect Your Camera from Scratch?

The major concern with photography equipment/cameras is that it is both fragile and pricey. This means it’s simple to break and possibly unpleasant (to your bank account, emotions, and soul) when you do. Let’s have a look at some of the ways you may protect your camera from scratches, damage and the wear and tear of regular living.

  • Establish realistic expectations for your gear.

Cameras are electronic devices; get them wet and you’ll have a very unpleasant day. Similarly, lenses are densely packed with glass; if you drop one from six feet in the air, there’s little you can do to keep something from smashing. This post isn’t about making your equipment indestructible. It’s about making sure it doesn’t end up in scenarios where bulletproofing is required. Or you can get a camera screen protector to avoid scratches.

That being said, not all camera equipment is created equal. Professional-grade cameras and lenses, such as Canon’s L-series lenses, can withstand more damage. They are made entirely of metal and feature rubber gaskets to keep the elements out. If you know you’ll be using your camera in harsh environments, such as ski or in the desert, it can be worth investing in more durable gear.

  • Always keep your camera hooked to your body.

The key to preventing drops to your camera is simple: your camera should never be dropped directly onto the ground from a height that could damage it. It should instead be attached to your body at all times with a camera strap. Put your camera strap on as soon as you take it out of your backpack. When you remove the strap, your camera returns to its original location in your bag. If you stick to that guideline, your camera will never fall or get scratches or damage.

The neck strap that came with your camera is… adequate… However, we would recommend replacing it for the following reasons:

  • You look weird, and this immediately identifies you as a tourist (and target for theft).
  • They aren’t extremely adaptable.
  • If you’re trying to do anything with it, hanging your camera from your neck in front of your body isn’t the best place for it.
  • Keep Your Camera in the Right Bag

Throwing your camera into a standard backpack is a recipe for disaster. If it isn’t destroyed by the occasional kick, hit, or bump, the lens caps will most likely be knocked off, allowing dust or scratches to enter the lens. However, at a rush, you can wrap your camera in a sweatshirt or something and gently place it at the bottom. But, in all honesty, it’s better not to do it at all.

Rather, you should get a dedicated camera backpack or at least a dedicated camera glove box to place in your current bag. These backpacks have adjustable padded separators that keep your camera equipment separate and prevent it from rolling around. This indicates that even if you encounter a big ski crash, it’s possibly going to be okay.

  • Take Great Care Switching Lenses

Changing lenses is one of the riskiest conditions. It’s the most probable time to drop a lens or get scratches on your camera.

While it is hard to avoid dropping your lenses, you may limit how far they can fall. If possible, replace lenses while setting all of your equipment on a table. Crouch down and utilise the ground as a table if you’re on location. Never set a lens element directly on your surface in either circumstance. First, put on the lens caps.

Don’t replace your lens if it’s storming or raining, there’s a lot of dust and debris in the air, or most probable is that anything can get inside your camera or lens. If you really must switch lenses to get the most ideal photo in the sky, do so as swiftly and carefully as possible beneath your jacket or in your bag.

  • Use a UV Filter to Avoid Scratches on Your Camera

While UV filters won’t protect your lenses from falls, they will keep dust and scratches away from the front lens. Furthermore, certain lenses are not weather sealed until a filter is applied. As a result, it’s a good idea to keep a UV filter on hand, if not permanently on your lens, then in your camera bag.

Cheap UV filters from unknown brands will have a noticeable impact on the quality of your photographs. You’ll be alright if you stick to high-quality filters from companies like Hoya, B+W, Zeiss, Canon, and Nikon. Simply choose whatever one is available in the proper size and at a reasonable price.

  • Keep Your Lens Caps

Lens caps are small, delicate, and easy to misplace, but they serve a crucial purpose: they seal your camera and protect it from scratches and minor knocks. You definitely need to remove your lens cap when taking shots, but if you’re just walking about with your camera on its strap, you should leave it on. I can think of a few things worse than unintentionally scraping your lens against the edge of a metal table.

  • Air Your Gear Out

If your equipment becomes moist or sand-covered, a quick blast of air can help to dry everything off.

If your gear is a little wet from the rain, instead of leaving it in your luggage to soak when you return home, air it out somewhere secure. The water will evaporate, and everything will be OK. Even entry-level cameras are built to withstand the odd splash.

If, on the other hand, dust or sand is a problem, don’t wipe it away with a lens cloth. You’ll either rub the particles in deeper or sandpaper your gear. Instead, use a blower, such as the Rocket Air Blaster, to get rid of it.

  • If All Else Fails, Repair Costs Can Be Reasonable

Whatever you do, some of your gear is bound to break at some point. It’s simply the reality of working with delicate equipment. The good news is that camera makers are aware of this and do not wish to penalise photographers for using their equipment. This means that they keep repair costs, if not low, at least tolerable. If you do break something, take it to a nearby authorised repair shop for a price. It will almost certainly be much less expensive than a replacement.

The most crucial thing to remember is that camera gear is intended to be used. Professionals are mostly cavalier with their gear; it’s novices who appear to bubblewrap everything. So go out and take amazing photos. I’ve followed every guideline in this post for some time, and my gear, while a little scuffed, is still perfectly functional. More to read? Click HERE


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