The Three-minute Rule to Attract Everyone

Surely you have noticed that there is a special category of people who literally charm at first sight. It is amazing how easily they become friends and how everyone around them is drawn to them, as if they were a source of heat, in the rays of which one wants to bask. It would seem that it is an innate talent and impossible to repeat, but psychologists have long derived a simple “rule of three minutes”, which allows about the same success in making everyone feel at home.

The art of communication is a necessary skill for almost any person. It is through communication that we can meet other people and make new friends, build important relationships and get into a new company. Of course, everyone has his own individual style of behavior, and nobody canceled the natural charm, but psychology would not be such a popular science, if it did not know what strings to pull, so regardless of the natural talents to build a warm and trusting relationship.

To make people like you, you must be genuinely interested in them.

Show participation, be interested in family and biography, ask for advice or ask for an opinion on an issue, and the reciprocal location, sometimes unconsciously, won’t take long. You can even ask another person something specific, like strategies for live sports betting lines or show your interest in their work.

Of course, with today’s crazy and running somewhere in the rhythm of life there is no time for long intimate conversations, and they are not needed. To achieve the effect it is enough to have three minutes of time. The main thing isn’t to lose them in vain when you meet.

So, the main idea of the rule of three minutes is the following. You need to openly demonstrate the joy of meeting with a person, as if you haven’t seen him for a long time and are very happy to be able to look him in the eye. And the best way to convey this will be a wide smile from the soul.

If you wait a few seconds for eye contact, and only then smile, you will make it clear that all your positivity is caused solely by the meeting, and not just a good mood.

Instead of the standard “Hello” try to develop the habit of greeting people by name. Success can be secured with tactile contact, like a casual touch, a handshake or a hug – depending on the degree of your relationship.

From here on, all you have to do is be nice, interested and radiate positivity. Ask about family, business, upcoming plans, give a trivial compliment that shows your approval, whether it is a note of personal qualities, praise for an achievement or just a nice T-shirt.

It’s the degree of warmth and intimacy, not the length of the conversation, that counts when it comes to communicating with people. And just as a first impression stays with us forever, memories are often put off only the first few minutes of the conversation. 

If a meeting with a person distracted you from business – were you going to the store or were going to start a report – then after a minute of conversation, do not forget to give a warm, apologetic smile and a heartfelt goodbye.

It isn’t necessary to have a striking appearance, to be a walking source of some truths or possessor of hidden information that you were easy and simple to be around, and people around you understand that inevitably want to resume communication. 

People don’t need much: a little warmth and understanding, and they are ready to put you on the list of good buddies and respond only in a positive way. This axiom will help to settle not only in the field of working relationships but often will play in your favor in matters of love.

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